After a quick hop from Chi-town to the old Vaudeville city and a crazy moment of realizing my worries were correct and they did indeed send my gate checked bag to baggage claim at O'Hare I'm now trying to relax and wind down to get some sleep so I can attack the day tomorrow.
The two biggest things keeping me from getting alone much needed sleep is 1) fear and worry placed by the reminder of how disorganized I am and how I don't really know where to start in coping with my problems and 2) sun burn that makes me want to crawl into a small hole and die to stop the pain. I forgot to PR in lidocaine laced aloe gel last night and this morning so my skin really dried out and then I started to peel really bad. I'm hoping with enough of the right pain killers and otc treatments I can get a full night.
It's my hope to be able to check in tomorrow, but I'm not making a promise or goal on the matter as my priority is getting a much sewing done as possible and dealing with checking on a student loan deferment processing. Oh the joys of being poor... Not. Thank God for the scrap fabric I was given years ago as it's the only way I'm going to be able to provide these samples. I worry I've bitten of more than I can chew, but I'm in it now so time to jump in feet first right? Right. No more letting anxiety make me freeze and stall. Time to overcome that demon. One way or another.
I start with going to bed asst a reasonable hour and getting up when the rest of the world functions. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow will be a better day.
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